Wednesday 13 November 2013

Is UVB Permanent Solution for Vitiligo?

Vitiligo is an autoimmune skin disorder which causes white patches on the patient's skin. The white patches formed as a result of this skin disease is due to the lack of melanin producing melanocytes. When the body stops producing melanin, the skin loses its color and turns white. Vitiligo cannot be cured to the very last bit however it can be treated. Since complete eradication of the white spots formed by the disease is impossible, there are several treatment methods that can be used to reduce Vitiligo patches.
This skin condition can be of two types, broadly segmental and non-segmental Vitiligo. The main point of differentiation between the two is the formation on patches. Furthermore, non-segmental Vitiligo is common while the segmental category is rare to find. Regardless of which treatment method you choose to treat your skin, you must always consult an expert before trying any. Since diagnosing the disease on your own can be difficult, the help of an expert will help you understand the type of your skin condition and the treatments suitable for you.
When talking about Vitiligo treatment, there a number of ways you can about it. For instance, depending on your condition and what the expert allows, you can opt for surgical treatment, a pharmaceutical one or one that involves the use of organic ingredients. In addition to this, you can also try cosmetics in case you do not want to treat it, you can camouflage the white patches using relevant concealers which match with your skin tone well.
Narrow UVB is one treatment method which has worked very well for Vitiligo patients however the results of treatment largely differ from patient from patient. However, in order to get this done you must first talk to your dermatologist. Most experts suggest that if your Vitiligo is small and manageable then you must go for tropical treatments, however if your condition is extensive and covers a large proportion of your body, only then UVB treatment in appropriate.
Moreover, if a Vitiligo patient has had history of sun exposure or is diagnosed with skin cancer then the UVB treatment cannot be conducted. You must be aware that a UVB treatment requires you to visit the hospital or clinic 2 to 3 times in a week for a number of months. Also, as a Vitiligo patient you must bear in mind that you cannot predict the results of a UVB treatment. Certain areas of the body are resistant to treatment which is why you cannot tell if the treatment will work on all areas of your body equally well.
One thing you can do to check the results of the treatment is take photographs before or after the treatment. This will help you compare the degree of efficiency of the treatment on your skin. It has also been observed that on ceasing the treatment, the Vitiligo returned. Therefore you must analyze all important factors before saying yes to this method of treating Vitiligo. In all, UVB may work but not for everyone.